SonaShankar Dnyanvikas Trust's
School Code.: 30660 CBSE Affiliation No.1130757
Where Vision Gets Build..
Dear Parents,
It is our utmost joy and passion at NAGESH KARAJAGI ORCHID SCHOOL to be a part of any student's life. We take pride in helping students shape their future and transforming them into individuals who leave indelible marks in today's society. When it comes to education, we all want what's best for our children. We view education as the development of the whole child hence emphasis is placed not just on the intellectual development but also on the pupil's physical, social and spiritual development. Academically we cater for all students by placing priority on their needs. Our wide range of extra curricular activities is a fundamental part of our school, whether it is on the playing elds, the concert stage, the debating chamber, or elsewhere. Our hope is that while your child is with us that he/she will develop into a mature, happy, responsible young adult who is prepared to face the future with condence. We believe the values we instill in young pupils at NAGESH KARAJAGI ORCHID SCHOOL will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.